World Buddhism, encompassing Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, can be categorized into Pali and Sanskrit traditions, respectively. The Pali tradition, with its rich cultural heritage and historical depth, presents significant opportunities for research and dialogue with practitioners of the Sanskrit tradition that can promote greater understanding and respect among Buddhists of the Pali and Sanskrit communities worldwide.
Over the past three decades, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has committed himself to promoting ongoing dialogues and cultural exchanges between Pali and Sanskrit monastics, with a specific emphasis on the Vinaya. These endeavors are aimed at nurturing mutual understanding and appreciation of traditions and practices that may be unfamiliar to one another. Cultural exchanges are of paramount importance in forging personal connections, cultivating friendships, extending dialogues, and offering direct exposure to traditions that have developed independently over many centuries, remaining only partially understood.
In line with the vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Southeast Asia Coordinator Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been planning and coordinating a series of programs since 2018 to the present day. The most recent program currently in the planning stages is the International Sangha Forum 2023 scheduled for December 2023 in Bodhgaya, India, along with the second year of the International Bhikkhu Exchange Program, set to be inaugurated in Bodhgaya as well that will welcome an additional 50 monks representing both the Pali and Sanskrit traditions.

Here is a brief summary of our planned and completed projects:

International Sangha Forum in Bodhgaya, 20th -23rd December 2023
The four-day program will invite over 2000 monastics from Buddhist traditions around the world. On the first three days of the conference, monks, nuns, and Bhikkhu scholars from the different Buddhist traditions will start the discussions on the finer aspects of the Vinaya rules and the role of Buddhism in the 21st century.

Second Year of the 5-Year Pali Sanskrit International Bhikkhu Exchange Program.
The exchange program includes dialogues on topics such as Vinaya, and developing an understanding of the different cultures and traditions. This experience proves to be enriching and immersive for the monks who have been specially chosen to participate in the program.

Pali Sanskrit International Buddhist Community Forum 2023
Pāli-Sanskrit International Buddhist Community Forum is a devoted effort made possible by a group of Dharma brothers & sisters which blossomed from 1st International Buddhist Online Conference March 2021 after much discussion and planning.

1st International Buddhist Conference March 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st International Buddhist Conference took place online in March 2021. It featured the participation of 12 organizations and 38 distinguished speakers, including both monastics and lay scholars.

1st Bhikkhus Exchange Program August 2018 – July 2019
This pioneering exchange program received support from The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the ASEAN Dhammadatu Project in Thailand. It commenced with the participation of four monks, comprising two Tibetan Monks and two Thai Monks.