The International Sangha Forum Bodh Gaya ISFB 2023, encapsulates the objectives of fostering interaction and collaboration between practitioners of the Pali and Sanskrit traditions, exchanging views and sharing experiences between these traditions. It also addresses the need to adapt the Buddha’s teachings to modern social challenges, and making the Dharma more accessible to people of every walks of life. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of supporting and maintaining the quality of Buddhist monastics in the modern world.
20th December 2023 (Wednesday)
900am - 1130am Opening Ceremony
Opening Welcoming Delegates
[Moderator 1: ] Ven. Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche (India)
[Moderator 2: ] Ven. Mahayano (Thailand)
[Keynote Speaker 1]
Speaker : His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (India)
[Keynote Speaker 2]
[Keynote Speaker 3]
[Greetings 1]
Speaker : Sri Lanka Mahanayake Sangha Raja (Sri Langka)
[Greetings 2]
Speaker : Supreme Patriarch of Mongolia (Mongolia)
[Greetings 3]
Speaker : TBA (Myanmar)
1130am – 1230pm Lunch
1230pm – 100pm Rest
100pm - 230pm Plenary Session 1 (10 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 1] Interpreting Ancient Buddhist Wisdom: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Part 1)
[Chairman of Session] Ven. Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten (India)
[Title of Talk 1.1] His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s thoughts and vision related to the 21st century Buddhists
[Title of Talk 1.2] Interpreting Ancient Buddhist Wisdom: Political Perspective
[Title of Talk 1.3]
The Interpretation of the Original Text of theEight Deferential Rules (P. aṭṭhagarudhammā)
Speaker :
Venerable Shih Chao-Hwei (Taiwan)
[Title of Talk 1.4] Buddhism in our daily life.
Speaker : Rev. Prof. Shihou Nakao (Japan)
[Title of Talk 1.5] History and the current account of Buddhism in Belgium and in Europe
[Title of Talk 1.6] Buddhayana: Intersectarian Movement of Indonesia
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Ven. Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten (India)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
230pm – 300pm Break
300pm - 430pm Plenary Session 2 (10 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 2] Interpreting Ancient Buddhist Wisdom: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Part 2)
[Chairman of Session] Dr. Tsewang Gyalpo Arya (Japan)
[Title of Talk 2.1] The Role of Buddhism in the 21st century
Speaker : Ven. Kum-Gang (S. Korea)
-Chairman of the Acarya committee for Education, Jogye Order
-Professor of Jung-Ang Sangha University
-Director of the Buddhist Central Library
-Former standing representative of the committee for promoting of H.H. the Dalai Lama ‘s visiting to Korea
[Title of Talk 2.2] Buddhism, Gender and Development: An analysis of discourse and practice in Tibetan Buddhism
Speaker : Ven. Karma Tashi Choedron (Malaysia)
[Title of Talk 2.3] Interpreting Ancient Buddhist Wisdom: Philosophical Perspective
[Title of Talk 2.4] The role of the Sangha in the XXI century in Spanish-speaking countries
[Title of Talk 2.5] The Relevance of Buddhist Teachings in Addressing Global Problems
Speaker : Prof. Wangchuk Dorjee Negi (Mexico)
Vice Chancellor (Addl. Charge)
Dean, Hetu Evam Adhyatma Vidya Faculty
Professor, Mool Shastra - Indian Buddhist Philosophy Department, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
[Title of Talk 2.6] The role of the Sangha in promoting social justice and equality.
[Title of Talk 2.7] The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century.
Speaker : Rev. Ryunin INUI (Japan)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Dr. Tsewang Gyalpo Arya (Japan)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
21st December 2023 (Thursday)
815am - 945am Plenary Session 3 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 3] The Four Characteristics of Dharma: A Timeless Wisdom of Buddhism
[Chairman of Session] Most Ven. Prof. Pallekande Rathanasara Thero (Sri Langka)
[Title of Talk 3.1] Introduction to the Four Characteristics: A brief overview of Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta, and Sunyata, explaining their significance in Buddhist philosophy.
[Title of Talk 3.2] Historical Context: Discussing how these teachings have been interpreted and applied across different Buddhist traditions, highlighting the commonalities and differences.
[Title of Talk 3.3] Embarking on the Journey to Nirvana: Case Study of Life Skills Courses for Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Students
Speaker: Phra Panot Isarasakul
Co-Author: Dr. Angkana Apichartvorakit (Thailand)
[Title of Talk 3.4] A quest to the timeless wisdom: a case study of inserting Dhamma for Prisoners in Indonesia
Speaker :
Ven. Bhikkhu Abhipunno
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Most Ven. Prof. Pallekande Rathanasara Thero (Sri Langka)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
945am – 1000am Break
1000am – 1130am Plenary Session 4 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 4]
The Four Immeasurable (Appamanna ): An Analytical Study within different perspectives
[Chairman of Session] Geshe Lodoe Sangpo (Gaden Jangtse)
(science teacher and coordinator of Gaden Jangtse science centre. Presently he is serving as a supervisor of Unit B Thukdam project and monastic coordinator of Science for Monks program and Emory-Tibetan Science Initiative.)
[Title of Talk 4.1] Immeasurable loving kindeness (Metta)
Speaker : Losel Ling Geshe Lobsang Nima (India)
[Title of Talk 4.2] Compassion Manifesting in Skillful Means
Speaker : Bhikṣuṇī Thubten Chodron (USA)
Titles: Founder and Abbess of Sravasti Abbey, Washington, USA
[Title of Talk 4.3] Immeasurable sympathetic joy (Mudita)
Speaker : Ven.Dr.Upanand Thero (India)
General Secretary, Youth Buddhist Society of India (YBS India), Sankisa, UP
[Title of Talk 4.4] Bojjhaṅgā and Appamaññā in Fusion: A Novel Approach Integrating Vipassanā and Mettā Bhāvanā Practices to Enhance the Work of Buddhist Counselors in Medical Settings
Speaker: Phramaha Amornwit Yimkem, Ven. Phra Panot Isarasakul (Thailand)
Co-Author: Mr. Suebpong Chatdharmmaluck, Bhikkhu Chotik Apichato (Thailand)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Geshe Lodoe Sangpo (Gaden Jangtse) (India)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
1130am – 1230pm Lunch
1230pm – 1pm Rest
100pm - 230pm Plenary Session 5 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 5] 37 Factors of Enlightenment (Sattatiṃsa bodhipakkhiyā dhammā): A Comprehensive Exploration of their Relevance and Application in Contemporary Society
[Chairman of Session] Most Ven. Snr. Prof. Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Mahanayake Thero
Former Head of the Department of Philosophy
University of Kelaniya
[Title of Talk 5.1] 37 Factors of Enlightenment in the Three Yanas.
Speaker : Lama Choedak Rinpoche (Australia)
[Title of Talk 5.2] The Four Bases of Success.
Speaker : Ven. Dr. Ashin Sobita
Pro-Rector, Dhammaduta Buddhist University, Bago
[Title of Talk 5.3] Buddhist counseling technique based on an Application of Noble Eightfold Path: case study of GilanaDhamma volunteer group’s training programs
Speaker : Ven. Phra Panot Isarasakul
Co-authors: Suthep Sutdhiyano, Asst. Prof. Dr. Phrakhruthammathorn Anon Changrangkarn, Ph.D., Phrakrusitthisorakij Visuttho Aungsupalee, Benjaporn Techapreechawong, Ph.D. (Thailand)
[Title of Talk 5.4] Application of Noble Eightfold path in Fostering Holistic View and global well-being.
Speaker : Dr. Tenzin Nyima (India)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Most Ven. Prof. Pallekande Rathanasara Thero (Sri Langka)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
230pm – 300pm Rest
30 mins
300pm - 430pm Plenary Session 6 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 6] Embracing Modernity: The Intersection of Buddhism and Technology
[Chairman of Session] Rev. Endo RYOKYU (Japan)
[Title of Talk 6.1] Embracing Modernity: The Intersection of Buddhism and Technology
Speaker : Ven. Dhammavuddho (Indonesia)
[Title of Talk 6.2] Buddhism as science, philosophy and religion
[Title of Talk 6.3] Gamification of Buddhist learning: A New Approach to Buddhist Teaching
Speaker : Ven. Phra Patipol Srewarom
Co-Authors: Phramaha Amornwit Yimkem, Phra Panot Isarasakul, Angkana Apichartvorakit, Ph.D. , Darunee Rattanawongsamathakul (Thailand)
[Title of Talk 6.4] The use of modern technology and media in disseminating Buddhist teachings and practices.
Speaker : Ven. Ja Hong (S. Korea)
[Title of Talk 6.5]
A unique way to share the Dharma in the 21st century
Speaker :
Rev. Endo RYOKYU (Japan)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session :
Rev. Endo RYOKYU (Japan)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
22nd December 2023 (Thursday)
815am - 945am Plenary Session 7 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 7] Exploring the Vinaya: A Comparative Study of Monastic Discipline in Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist Traditions
[This session is only open to the Monastic Sangha Members]
[Chairman of Session] Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden (India)
[Title of Talk 7.1] Exploring the Vinaya; A Comparative Study of Monastic Disciplane in Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist Traditions.
Speaker : Ven. Dr. Ashin Nandaka ( Myanmar )
Vice Chancellor, International Buddhist Pali University, Naypyitaw
[Title of Talk 7.2] Ariya Vinaya – An Application of Buddhist Vinaya on education, political science, legal science, Economics, and health care system for sustainable development.
Speaker : Ven. Phramaha Amornwit Yimkem (Thailand)
Co-Author: Phra Panot Isarasakul
[Title of Talk 7.3]
The Historical Origins of Emphasis on Strict Observance of Monastic Discipline
Speaker : Ven. Ashin Sarana (Czech Republic)
[Title of Talk 7.4] Exploring the Vinaya: A comparative study of Traditional and Contemporary Approaches
[Title of Talk 7.5]
A Brief Chronicle of Buddhism and Vinaya in Tibet.
Speaker :
Ven. Geshe Sonam Wangden (India)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden (India)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
945am – 1000am Rest
1000am – 1130am Plenary Session 8 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 8] Samadhi in Practice and Scripture: A Comparative Study of Traditional and Contemporary Approaches
[Chairman of Session]
Most Venerable Thich Quang Ba (Australia)
[Title of Talk 8.1] The practice of mindfulness and meditation for mental health in a global context
[Title of Talk 8.2] Key points practices to achieve Samadhi in Traditional Tibetan Buddhism.
[Title of Talk 8.3] Discussion on the relationship between Samatha and Vipassana, and how these practices are intertwined in the pursuit of Samadhi.
[Title of Talk 8.4]
Development of Superior Concentration in Buddhism
Speaker : Ven. Prof. Dr. Candamukha
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session : TBA (Myanmar)
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
1130am – 1230pm Lunch
1230pm – 100pm Rest
100pm - 230pm Plenary Session 9 (15 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes Q&A)
[Title of Plenary Session 9] Exploring the Depths of Paññā/Prajñā: An Examination of Anattā/Śūnyatā in the Pali Canons / Prajñāpāramitā Sutras and its Practical Implications in Today's World
[Chairman of Session] Sermey Khenrinpoche Tashi Tsering (India)
[Title of Talk 9.1] Threads of Existence: Unraveling Interdependency in Buddhist Philosophy
Speaker : Gaden Shartse Ven. Yulting Tulku (India)
[Title of Talk 9.2] Exploring the Depths of Paññā/Prajñā: the role of wisdom in the path to enlightenment, and how it can be cultivated in the modern world from the perspective of Pali Canon.
Speaker : Ven Ashin Theravamsa (Myanmar)
[Title of Talk 9.3] An Examination of Anattā/Śūnyatā: Exploring the concept of non-self or emptiness as presented in the Pali Canons and Prajñāpāramitā Sutras., and how understanding Anattā/Śūnyatā can lead to liberation and its relevance in today's world.
Speaker : Geshe Jamyang Norbu (Vietnam)
[Title of Talk 9.4] Examining selflessness in Sanskrit tradition, mainly from Prasangika view point
Speaker : Geshe Ngawang Sonam (India)
[Title of Talk 9.5]
Links of Inter-dependence
Speaker :
Rev. Jokan ONO (Japan)
Q&A led by Chairman of Session
Chairman of Session :
Sermey Khenrinpoche Tashi Tsering
Presentation of Cert of Appreciation
230pm – 300pm Rest
300pm - 430pm Valedictory Session / Closing Ceremony
Valedictory Session / Closing Ceremony
[Chairman of Session] Ven. Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten (Japan)
Organizers 1
Mr. Tempa Tsering (Main Organiser) (Director to the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan and Indian Ancient Wisdom, Bodh Gaya)
Organizers 2
Mr. Pari Jinpa Gyatso (Main Organiser) (Coordinator, South-East Asia Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama)
[300pm] Statements/resolutions Speakers 10 minutes each
Speaker : Pari Jinpa Gyatso (Main Organiser)
Telo Rinpoche (Russia, Mongolia, CIS)
Ven. Vajiramedhi (Thailand)
Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Mahāthero (Malaysia)
TBA (Vietnam)
President, International Buddhist Council, BodhGaya