Chief Guests & Moderator Biography

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, humbly identifies himself as a simple Buddhist monk, embodying spiritual guidance for Tibetans worldwide. Born on July 6, 1935, into a modest farming family in the hamlet of Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet, his journey unfolded with extraordinary significance. Remarkably, at the tender age of two, he was recognized as the reincarnation of the revered 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso.

Commencing his monastic education at six, His Holiness demonstrated exceptional dedication. At 23, he faced his final examination at Lhasa’s Jokhang Temple, an auspicious moment coinciding with the annual Great Prayer Festival (Monlam Chenmo) in 1959. Successfully passing with honors, he was bestowed the Geshe Lharampa degree, comparable to the highest doctorate in Buddhist philosophy.

In 1989, the world acknowledged his profound commitment to non-violence when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless efforts in the peaceful pursuit of Tibet's liberation. Despite confronting severe aggression, His Holiness consistently championed policies of non-violence, distinguishing himself as a beacon of resilience. Pioneering the way, he became the first Nobel Laureate recognized for addressing global environmental issues.

A global ambassador for peace, His Holiness has traversed more than 67 countries across six continents, leaving an indelible mark. Over the years, he has amassed over 150 awards, honorary doctorates, and prizes, attesting to the profound impact of his message advocating peace, non-violence, inter-religious understanding, universal responsibility, and compassion.

His literary contributions are equally monumental, with a prolific output of over 110 authored or co-authored books. Engaging in dialogues with leaders of diverse faiths, he has played a pivotal role in fostering inter-religious harmony and understanding. His Holiness stands as an unwavering advocate for a better world, exemplifying the transformative power of compassion and wisdom.

Honorable Chief Minister of Bihar Shri Nitish Kumar


Nitish Kumar, born on 1 March 1951, is a prominent Indian politician currently serving as the 22nd Chief Minister of Bihar since 22 February 2015. His political journey has been marked by significant milestones, as he previously held the same office from 2005 to 2014 and for a brief period in 2000, making him the longest-serving chief minister in Bihar's history.

A seasoned leader, Nitish Kumar is affiliated with the Janata Dal (United), of which he is the esteemed leader. His political career commenced when he joined the Janata Dal and secured a position as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) in 1985. Displaying his commitment to socialist ideals, Kumar, along with George Fernandes, founded the Samata Party in 1994. He later entered the Lok Sabha in 1996 and served as a Union Minister in the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, aligning his party with the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

The year 2003 witnessed the merger of the Samata Party into the Janata Dal (United), with Nitish Kumar assuming leadership. Under his guidance, the NDA secured a majority in the Bihar Legislative Assembly in 2005, leading to his appointment as the chief minister, forming a coalition with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). During Kumar's initial term as Chief Minister, he faced a daunting challenge of addressing the deteriorating law and order situation in Bihar. Organized criminal gangs, particularly involved in rampant kidnappings, posed a significant threat. Additionally, left-wing extremism persisted in certain backward areas of the state. In response, Kumar implemented the Arms Act and established special courts to expedite convictions, yielding dual benefits: facilitating police arrests and prohibiting the use of lethal weapons.



With 38 years of service, Mr. Abhijit Halder concluded his distinguished career in the Government of India in January 2022. As a diplomat, he built connections with global Buddhist communities. In 1989, he visited Russian Buddhist Republics, overcoming religious prohibitions during the Soviet era.

As DG (IBC), Halder coordinates India's Buddhist narrative, collaborating with ministries and international Buddhist organizations. He played a key role in the Global Buddhist Summit (April 2023) in New Delhi, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and attended by senior monks, including the Dalai Lama.

Under Halder's guidance, the IBC hosted the SCO Summit (March 2023) in New Delhi, focusing on the "Shared Buddhist Heritage of SCO nations." This event involved Central Asian countries, China, and Russia.

Illustrating the IBC's commitment to preserving Buddhist heritage, they facilitated the Buddha relics' visit to Mongolia in June 2022. Dedicated to upholding Buddhism globally, the IBC plans various activities, emphasizing heritage, traditions, and values.

Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche

Recognized as the fourteenth reincarnation in the esteemed Siling Tongkhor Tulku lineage by The Dalai Lama, Tongkhor Rinpoche is a distinguished scholar who attained his Geshe degree from the prestigious Sera Mey Monastic University. In 2016, he further enriched his knowledge by completing vajrayana studies at the renowned Gyuto Tantric College. Rinpoche, drawing on his profound wisdom, has generously shared his insights and teachings by serving as an instructor in meditation and Buddhist principles at Franklin College in Indiana, USA. Since 2017, he has been an instrumental force behind the annual Medicine Buddha Prayer Tour, a transformative journey that spans across Europe and the USA. Through this impactful tour, Rinpoche actively engages with a global audience, imparting Buddhist teachings and offering invaluable guidance for cultivating a more peaceful and compassionate life. His dedication to spreading wisdom and fostering spiritual growth reflects his commitment to benefiting individuals worldwide.

Ven. Mahayano

Ven. Mahayano currently resides in Thailand. 

Chairpersons & Speakers Biography

Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten

Born on July 7, 1956 at Dokhar in Central Tibet, Professor Geshe Ngawang Samten came to India along with his parents after the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959. He studied at the Central School for Tibetans in Chandragiri, Orissa, and thereafter at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarnath.

He possesses a rare combination of education on modern lines as well as the Tibetan monastic system. He obtained Geshe Lharampa degree, from Gaden Shartse monastery, equivalent to Ph.D. degree in the modern system.

As a result of his outstanding achievement in the field of research, he was promoted to the position of Professor of Buddhist Philosophy. He is also actively engaged in Hindi translations of Buddhist texts in Sanskrit and Tibetan. Professor Samten, with his special interest in the philosophy of Nagarjuna, published the definitive critical edition of the Ratnavali with its commentary as the result of his post-graduate research. He is credited with important publications, such as a critical edition of Abhidhammattha Samgaho, a critical edition of Sanskrit and Tibetan versions of the Pindikrita and the Pancakrama of Nagarjuna, and co-authored The Ocean of Reasoning, an annotated English translation of the commentary on Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamaka Karika by the Tibetan master thinker Tson-Kha-Pa, published by Oxford University Press. The Ocean of Reasoning is acclaimed far and wide.

He has contributed to the improvement of academic standards at CIHTS, particularly through teaching and research. He is instrumental in promoting Buddhist Studies in India. A number of Indian universities have greatly been benefited by his scholarship and insight in formulating courses and initiating Buddhist studies. He strongly advocates to make the education system instrumental in transforming the students through inculcation of value along with development of skills in various fields.

He frequently travels across the continents lecturing to academic audiences in the United States, Europe, Australia, Russia, some of the Asian countries and as well in India. He has been in action at various national and international seminars, workshops and conferences. He has held Visiting Professorship at Hampshire, Amherst and Smith Colleges in the USA and at the University of Tasmania in Australia.

In virtue of his sagacity and wisdom, Professor Samten has been on numerous academic bodies of Universities and expert committees of the Ministries of Government of India, and as a member on the boards of several Institutes in USA, Canada, Thailand, France and Austria. He has also served in the Editorial Board of International Association of Tibetan Studies in Harvard. He has been the Vice President of Association of Indian Universities, and has served chairman/member of various expert committees constituted by the University Grant Commission of India.

In 2009, he has been awarded Padma Shri (one of the country’s highest civilian awards) by the President of India for his distinguished services in the field of education and literature.

In 2016, he has been awarded Vesak Samman by the Government of India in recognition of his outstanding lifelong achievement in the fields preservation, development and promotion of Indian philosophy, arts and culture within and outside India, as well as his lifelong services towards dissemination of Buddhist studies and establishment of academic institutions.

He is currently the Vice-Chancellor of Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi.

Yangten Rinpoche

Yangten Rinpoche was born in Kham, Tibet in 1978. He was recognised as a tulku aged 10, and enthroned at Kandze Monstery. In 1990, at the unusually young age of 12, he entered the Geshe program at Sera Mey Monastery and graduated with a Geshe Lharampa degree (with distinction) in 2007, aged only 29.

After graduation, Rinpoche joined Gyuto Monastery for 2 years and completed the traditional tantric studies there. During his time at Gyuto Monastery, Rinpoche helped His Holiness the Karmapa as a debate assistant.

In 2008 Rinpoche was called up by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to work in His Holiness’ Private Office and has assisted His Holiness on many projects, including being selected to to compile a book on Buddhist Science, from the Kangyur and Tengyur.

Yangten Rinpoche also composed a long-life prayer entitled “Panacea of Pure Nectar” for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, following his illness in 2011, which you can read here. You can also see a poem written by Yangten Rinpoche called “I Love You, my enemy “here.

Below are two recent photos of Yangten Rinpoche at work in the office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Prof. Ven. Raluwe Padmasiri Thero

Prof. Ven. Raluwe Padmasiri Thera is a distinguished Professor in Buddhist Studies at the Department of Buddhist Thought within the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies at the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka. With a profound commitment to education, he imparted his knowledge of Buddhist Studies for a BA Degree at the Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies at the University of Peradeniya in 2002. He further enriched his academic journey by earning a Master of Arts Degree from the Department of Philosophy at the National University of Singapore in 2011.

Prof. Ven. Raluwe Padmasiri Thera is a prolific scholar, having authored three books and edited over fifteen collections of articles. His scholarly contributions extend to thirty-five academic articles and five article translations, showcased in both Sinhalese and English media. Beyond his individual achievements, he has successfully supervised six MPhil and PhD studies, with an additional fifteen graduates currently under his mentorship. His dedication to Buddhist Studies and scholarly guidance has significantly contributed to the academic landscape of his field.

Ven Shih Chao-Hwei

Chao-Hwei is Professor and Chair of the Religion and Culture Department of Hsuan-Chuang University, where she also served as dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 2010 to 2020. 

She has led a number of nation-wide social movements, including founding the Life Conservationist Association in Taiwan – where she served as President from 1993 to 1999 – and facilitating the legislation of the “Wildlife Conservation Act” and “Animal Protection Act.” 

In 2001, she championed the “Abolishment of the Eight Precepts for Nuns (attha garu-dhamma), ” which opposes Buddhist precepts that discriminate against women. 

She has spoken in support of LGBT rights and Taiwan’s same-sex marriage equality bill, and in 2012 performed a Buddhist wedding ceremony for a lesbian couple, the first in world Buddhist history. She has written and published 34 books and 81 journal papers, and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 48th Chinese Literature and Arts Medal, the International Outstanding Women in Buddhism Medal, and the 38th Niwano Peace Prize.

Rev Nakao Shihou

Nakao Shihou was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1951.In 1972, he entered Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters, Department of BuddhistStudies, majoring in Shin Buddhism, and was ordained as a Buddhist monk of theHongwanji School of Jodo Shinshu in 1975. He entered the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji sect (Hongwanji―ha) religious office in 1977 andworked hard at Nishi Hongwanji Temple.In 1996, he was appointed Director of the General Planning Bureau Executive Administrator of Nishi Hongwanji Temple, where he oversaw the formulation of medium-and long-term plans. In  2003 he was appointed Director of the Legislation Department, where he was involved in the development and enactment of legislation related to the Religious Incorporated Association Law.

As a lecturer, he taught at Ryukoku University, Chuo Buddhist Institute and Souai University.

After serving as head of the General Office of Nishi Hongwanji Temple (head of administration) and as executive director of Hongwanji Temple (responsible officer), he was  appointed Director General of Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple in 2022.

In his external positions, he was appointed as a member of the National Advisory Council(Religious Affairs Division) and as a member of the Board of Trustees of Musashino University.

Mr Carlo Luyckx

Education: Mr. Carlo Luyckx's academic foundation is rooted in Political Science and International Relations, earning a degree from the University of Brussels (ULB) between 1984 and 1988. His master's thesis, titled "The Question of Tibet: Sovereign State or Integral Part of China?," earned him the highest distinction. Continuing his academic pursuits, he also secured a degree in International Law from ULB between 1987 and 1989, achieving great distinction.

Professional Journey: The early stages of Mr. Luyckx's career saw him as the Deputy Director of the Bureau International des Producteurs d’Assurances (1989-1990) and later as an advisor to the Minister-President of the Brussels Capital Region (1990-1991). His extensive experience includes serving as the Director-General of the Brussels-Europe Liaison Office from 1991 to 2015, providing a crucial link between Brussels and Europe. Notably, he held key positions in the European Movement Belgium and the International European Movement.

Political Responsibilities: Mr. Luyckx actively participated in local governance, serving as a member of the local Council of Saint-Gilles-Brussels (1995-2000) and later assuming the role of Deputy Mayor for multiple terms (2000-2006, 2007-2012, 2013-2018). His political endeavors reflect a dedication to community welfare and effective governance.

Activities Related to Buddhism: From a young age, Mr. Luyckx embraced Buddhism, taking refuge in 1971 with Akong Tulku Rinpoche at Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland. His commitment to Buddhist principles is evident in his roles as the co-founder and Executive Vice-President of Kagyu Samye Dzong Brussels since 1977, and Kagyu Samye Ling Belgium, a retreat center in Beaumont, since 2015. Additionally, he has showcased his artistic talents through Thanka painting, studying under Sherab Palden Beru, a main lineage holder of the Tibetan art tradition Karma Gardri.

Leadership in Buddhist Organizations: Mr. Luyckx currently serves as the President of the Belgian Buddhist Union since 2014, Vice-President of the European Buddhist Union (EBU) since 2023, and EBU Representative to the European Union since 2021. Furthermore, he assumed the role of President of the Karmapa Foundation Europe in 2022, showcasing his commitment to promoting Buddhism on both national and international levels.

Publications: In addition to his active involvement in political and Buddhist spheres, Mr. Luyckx has contributed to literature with his publications. Notably, he authored the chapter on Akong Rinpoche's activity in Belgium in the book "Only the Impossible is Worth Doing" (Dzalendra Publishing, Scotland, UK, 2020) and authored "Integrity in Politics: a Utopia?" (Edition du Lys Bleu, Paris, France, 2022), with a foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama and preface by Matthieu Ricard.

Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera


Education Journey: Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera's educational odyssey began in the early 1990s in Indonesia. Starting with his primary education at SDN 3 Ngesrep Balong, he progressed through secondary school at SMPN 1 Limbangan and completed his high school education at SMU N 1 Boja in 1997. His pursuit of academic excellence led him to the Smaratungga Buddhist College, where he earned his Bachelor's Degree (Dharma Acharya) in 2004. Subsequently, he continued his academic journey with a Master's Degree (Buddhist Studies) at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Bangkok, Thailand, completing it in 2012. Notably, his academic dedication culminated in a Doctoral Degree in Buddhist Studies from the same university in 2018.

Spiritual Education and Practice: Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera's spiritual journey is marked by his Pabbajja Samanera ordination in 1999 at Vihara Veluvana in Central Java, Indonesia, followed by his Upasampada Bhikkhu ordination in 2005 at Wat Kradeung Thong, Buriram, Thailand. His commitment to meditation practice is evident through various Vipassana Bhavana sessions, including a 30-day session in Indonesia in 2002 and subsequent sessions in Thailand in 2009 and 2016.

Professional Engagements: Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera's professional journey is multifaceted. He has been a dedicated lecturer at STIAB Smaratungga since 2004, contributing significantly to the education of Buddhist scholars. His administrative roles include serving as the Dean of the Bachelor Program Dharma Achariya at Smaratungga Buddhist College (2011–2013), Principal of the college (2013–2022), and currently as the Vice Principal (2022–2026). Additionally, he holds key positions in international Buddhist associations, such as the International Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities and the Executive Council Member of the International Association of Buddhist Universities.

Teaching Experience: Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera's impact extends beyond administrative roles to his teaching endeavors. He imparts knowledge on meditation, Vinaya, Tipitaka, Sutta Thematic Courses, History of Buddhism, and Buddhist Heritage in Indonesia to students at Smaratungga Buddhist College.

International Published Researches: Ven. Dhitisampanno Mahathera has made substantial contributions to the global academic discourse on Buddhism. His published research spans a wide array of topics, including moral intelligence, the history of Buddhism in Indonesia, contextual teaching and learning, Dharma Achariya, Javanese Buddhist texts, and Buddhist education in the digital era.

Dr. Tsewang Gyalpo Arya

Tsewang Gyalpo Arya is the Representative of the Liaison office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan and East Asia. Before this he served as the Secretary of the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) and Director of the Tibet Policy Institute (TPI) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dharamshala, India. He did his schooling from Central School for Tibetan Mussoorie and obtained his B.A. from Panjab University. He did his M.A. in Economics from Annamalai University and M.A. in Japanese Studies. He obtained his Ph.D. from the department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi. His published books include Harnessing the Dragon`s Fume – Challenging the Chinese Communist Party`s Distorted Tibet Narratives; The Ancient Tibetan Civilization – Myth, Religion, and History of Tibet; and English-Japanese-Tibetan Conversation Handbook. He has authored and translated several Tibetan and Japanese folktales and contributes articles and op-eds on Tibetan issues in various journals and media outlets.

Ven Kum Gang

As the Chairman of the Acarya Committee for Education within the Jogye Order, Venerable Kum Gang plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape for Buddhist practitioners. His leadership in this capacity reflects a deep understanding of the importance of nurturing future generations of Buddhist scholars and practitioners. This commitment is further manifested through his role as a Professor at Jung-Ang Sangha University, where he imparts knowledge and wisdom to students, contributing to the preservation

and evolution of Buddhist teachings.

   In his capacity as the Director of the Buddhist Central Library, Venerable Kum Gang plays a crucial role in preserving and disseminating Buddhist knowledge. Libraries serve as repositories of wisdom, and under his leadership, the Buddhist Central Library becomes a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and the general public interested in delving into the vast treasure trove of Buddhist literature and philosophy.

   Venerable Kum Gang's involvement as the former standing representative of the committee for promoting H.H. the Dalai Lama's visit to Korea underscores his dedication to fostering international understanding and collaboration within the Buddhist community. By facilitating interactions with esteemed spiritual leaders like H.H. the Dalai Lama, he contributes to the promotion of interfaith dialogue and the exchange of spiritual insights.

Ven. Dr Karma Tashi Choedron

Ven. Dr Karma Tashi Choedron (Savinder Kaur Gill) is a śrāmaṇerikā (Tib: getsulma), ordained by Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche in 2009. She is trained as a civil engineer and holds a PhD in Environment and Resource Studies from Mahidol University, Thailand. She holds an M.A. in Buddhist Studies from the International Buddhist College (IBC), in Thailand. Dr. Karma, an environmental sociologist and social auditor is currently an Assistant Professor in Development Studies at the University of Nottingham Malaysia and the Deputy Director of Education at the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) and Religious Advisor to the Malaysian Buddhist Consultative Council (MBCC). Dr. Karma is also one of the Vice-Presidents of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC). She received the Outstanding Woman in Buddhism Award in 2010 in recognition of her contributions to Buddhism and the environment by the Association for the Promotion of Status of Women in Thailand, the Lord Dearing Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2022 and Team Award for Commitment to Enhancing the Research Culture and Environment 2023 (University of Nottingham Tri-Campus Award) from University of Nottingham, UK. Dr. Karma has also been admitted as a Fellow in the Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy), UK. Ven. Dr. Karma has authored two books on conservation and co-authored a book featuring a comparative study between Sikhism and Buddhism, titled Two Gurus One Message.

Ven. Mahawela Rathanapala Thero

As a Visiting Lecturer at the Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies at the University of Peradeniya, Ven. Mahawela Rathanapala Thero plays a crucial role in shaping the academic landscape of Buddhist studies. His teachings and insights contribute to the intellectual growth of students, fostering a deep understanding of Pali and Buddhist traditions.

   Ven. Mahawela Rathanapala Thero's leadership extends beyond the academic realm to traditional roles within the Malwatta Chapter of Siyam Maha Nikāya. Serving as the Deputy Secretary of the Siyamopali Fraternity, he actively contributes to the organizational aspects of the chapter, ensuring the smooth functioning of traditional practices and ceremonies.

   His position as an Executive Member of the Supreme Sangha Council within the Malwatta Chapter of Siyam Maha Nikāya places Ven. Mahawela Rathanapala Thero at the forefront of decision-making within the monastic community. As an executive member, he participates in discussions and initiatives that shape the direction of Buddhist affairs within the chapter, playing a vital role in maintaining the purity and authenticity of the Buddhist teachings.

   Ven. Mahawela Rathanapala Thero's multifaceted roles not only contribute to academic and traditional spheres but also play a significant part in preserving Sri Lanka's rich cultural and religious heritage. His involvement in both educational and organizational capacities reflects a holistic approach to nurturing and preserving the essence of Buddhism in the region.

Bhikkhu Nandisena

Venerable Bhikkhu Nandisena (Angel Oscar Valentinuzzi) is a Theravāda  

Buddhist monk born in Argentina. He is the abbot of the monastery  Dhamma Vihāra (Mexico), Spiritual Director and Religious Minister of  Buddhismo Theravāda México/Hispano A.R. He was ordained at Taungpulu  Kaba Aye Monastery, Boulder Creek, California, in 1991. He studied Pali  Language, Pali Canon (Tipitaka), Abhidhamma, and meditation with the late  Most Venerable U Sīlānanda, a renowned master of the Burmese tradition.  He is the translator into Spanish of the Abhidhammattha-Saṅgaha of Ācariya  Anuruddha, published by El Colegio de México in 1999, and of The  Dhammapada, which includes a Spanish translation of the Commentary of  the verses by Buddhaghosa, published by Dhammodaya Ediciones in 2008.  He has given lectures, classes, courses, and retreats in the USA, Canada,  Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain, Hungary, Puerto Rico, Mexico,  Malaysia, India, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Venezuela, and  Thailand, and, since 2005, teaches on-line courses of Buddhism in Spanish  through the Internet. In 2006 he was appointed representative of Mexico at  the World Buddhist Supreme Conference, Kobe, Japan. He is co-founder of  the Hispanic Institute of Buddhist Studies (IEBH), an academic institution  established in 2011, dedicated to bringing the Buddha-Dhamma to the  Spanish-speaking world using the most moderm technologies. Also he is a  member of the Presidium (2017-) of the International Buddhist  Confederation (IBC), New Delhi, India. He has just finished translating from  Pali into Spanish the Abhidhammāvatāra, the first Abhidhamma treatise  atributed to Ācariya Buddhadatta (5th century C.E), from Pali into Spanish,  soon to be published by the IEBH. In September 2023, he was appointed  Vice-president of the World Buddhist Supreme Conference. 

Prof. Wangchuk Dorjee Negi

Prof. Wangchuk Dorjee Negi is currently the Vice Chancellor (Addl. Charge) of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi. He is a Professor of Indian Buddhist Philosophy at CIHTS. His research interest includes Buddhist Tantraand Buddhist Hermeneutics. As a Visiting Professor under Exchange Programs of CIHTS, he has taught at the University of Tasmania, Australia; Smith College and Hampshire College in Massachussets, USA. He has also been a Visiting Faculty (Research Supervisor) at Taisho University, Japan and a Visiting Scholar for the Survey of Sanskrit Buddhist Manuscripts in Okayama, Japan. 

Prof. Negi has represented India (Nominated by Govt. of India) in SAARC Regional & Cultural Seminar in Sri Lanka and ICCR Seminar in Cambodia. He has got several books to his credit which includes Prajnaparamita-Hrdaya-Sutra-Sputartha-Bhashya - Commentary on Heart Sutra (Hindi, 2019), What is Buddhism (English, 2016,also translated by others into Spanish &Chinese), Commentary on Dhammapada (Hindi, 2010,also translated by others into Tibetan & Bengali),Commentary on Dhammapada(English, 2013),Vajrayana Darshan Evam Sadhana (Hindi, 1998),Vajrayana Darshan Mimansa (Sanskrit, 2009). 

Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma

Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma, a remarkable individual with a diverse range of accomplishments and a passion for personal growth and spiritual development. Born on the 1stof November, 1983, in the enchanting State of Tripura, a tiny lush greenery State of India, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma is the sixth sibling among eight in his family. 

His educational journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. He has successfully completed Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (B.A) from the previous University, Bachelor of Law (LL.B) from the prestigious University, GNIIT Software Engineering from the esteemed National Institute of Information in New Delhi. Furthermore, he holds an M.A. in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Psychology, specializing in Vipassana meditation from Magadh University Fellowship under the University Grant Commission, New Delhi, for his exceptional Ph.D. research.

Currently, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma practices as an Advocate at the Supreme Court of India in New Delhi, Showcasing his legal expertise and commitment to justice. Additionally, he serves as the General Secretary of the Buddhist Thai-Bharat Society, demonstrating his dedication to promoting Buddhist teachings and fostering cultural exchange. As the Founder-cum-Chief Abbot of the Vajrasana Temple in Bodhgaya, he provides spiritual guidance and creates a serene environment for seekers of enlightenment.

Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma’s contributions extend beyond his immediate community. He holds the esteemed position of Secretary at the international Buddhist Community, where he actively engages in fostering global understanding and cooperation. Moreover, as the President of the Interfaith Religious Friends Association in Bodhgaya, he promotes interfaith dialogue and harmony among diverse religious communities.

Not limited to his academic and professionalpursuits, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma is also a highly skilled and well-trained Martial Arts and Yoga Instructor. His dedication to physical well-being and discipline is an inspiration to all.

Having participated in numerous national and international seminars, conferences, and workshops, both in India and abroad, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma continuously to physical well-being and discourse in various fields.

In addition to his impressive accomplishments, it is worth noting that Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma spiritual journey began at a remarkable young age. At the tender age of 8, he was ordained as a novice in Bodhgaya, marking the beginning of his deep commitment to the Buddhist path. This early dedication and immersion in Buddhist teachings laid the foundation for his lifelong pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment.

Building upon his initial ordination, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma took the significance step of receiving full monk ordination at the age of twenty in 2004 in Bangkok, Thailand. This transformative experience further solidified his commitment to the teachings of Buddhism and propelled him toward a life of service and spiritual guidance. 

The combination of his early ordination and subsequent full monk ordination showcases Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma’s unwavering dedication to the principles and practices of Buddhism. It is a testament to his deep-rooted spirituality and his desire to contribute to the well-being and enlightenment of others.

Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma’s unique journey, from novice to fully ordained monk, adds another layer of depth and authenticity to his already remarkable biodata. It highlights his profound connection to the Buddhist tradition and underscores his role as a respected spiritual leader and guide.

In summary, Ven. Dr. Ratneswar Chakma is a multifaceted individual who combines his legal expertise, spiritual wisdom, and physical prowess to make a positive impact on Society. His unique blend of skills, experiences, and achievements make him a truly exceptional and influential figure.

Rev. Inui Ryunin

Ryunin Inui was born in Osaka Prefecture in 1952. He studied esoteric Buddhism at Koyasan University in Wakayama Prefecture, then entered the university's graduate school and began a professional research life. He started working at Koyasan University in 1984 and became an assistant professor in the faculty of literature at Koyasan University in 1995, and from April 2001 to March 2021 he served as Professor of Esoteric Buddhism. He has been conducting research on Indian esoteric Buddhism, mainly focusing on the Tattvasamgraha Sutra, which was compiled in the late 7th century and is the fundamental tantra of all the Tantras of the Yoga class. He is also interested in the history of esoteric Buddhism, which came to Japan from India via China, and has been engaged in research into the ideas and structure of mandalas taught in esoteric Buddhism. He became vice president in 2011, served as president from 2017 to 2021, and is currently professor emeritus at Koyasan University and advisor to Koyasan Academy.

Ven. Prof. PallekandeRathanasara Thero

Ven. Prof. Pallekande Rathanasara Thero graduated from the University of Kelaniya and was later selected by the Ministry of Education in Sri Lanka to pursue studies in the USSR. He enrolled in the People Friendship University in Moscow, where he successfully earned his master's degree in Philological Science. Following his academic achievements, he served as a lecturer of the Russian Language at the University of Kelaniya and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka from 1981 to 1984. In 1987, he completed his Ph.D. Continuing his commitment to peace, Ven. Prof. Rathanasara Thero assumed the role of President of the National Peace Council in Sri Lanka in 1995. In 1994, he founded the Inter-Religious Peace Foundation with the goal of fostering harmony and understanding among different religions. Currently, he serves as the Secretary of the National Center in Sri Lanka for the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace. Notably, he held the position of President of the International Buddhist Confederation from 2017 to 2023 in New Delhi and is currently the Chair of the Buddha Dhamma and Conflict Resolution and Peace Building Committee of the International Buddhist Confederation from 2023 to 2026. Additionally, he holds the role of Secretary for Sri Lanka Amarapura Mahanikaye.

Ven. Bodhipalo Mahathero

Venerable Bodhipalo Mahathero is the Founder President of Lokuttara Mahavihar in Maharashtra, India. He serves as the Chairman of Takshashila Buddha Vihar in Ludhiana, Punjab, and holds the position of Anusanghanayaka of All India Bhikku Sangha in Gaya, Bihar. Venerable Bodhipalo Mahathero has delivered lectures on the benevolent teachings of Buddha for humankind on BBC London. Additionally, he has conducted various lectures on Buddhism and Meditation in both Thai and English. His commitment extends to delivering lectures on Buddhism in India in various Indian languages. Venerable Bodhipalo Mahathero actively conducts Vipassana meditation courses in different cities in Japan and India. Furthermore, he manages the International Bhikkhu Training Centre in Aurangabad, providing training for Indian Bhikkus.

Prof. Ven. Miriswatte Wimalagnana Thero

Ven. Prof. Miriswaththe Wimalagnana is a Professor and Head Head of the Department of Buddhist Culture of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He earned all his Bachelor's and Postgraduate Degrees from the University of Peradeniya. Since 2006, he has served for three Universities including Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka and the University of Peradeniya. He was promoted to Professor in 2015. He has written over 40 research papers for local and International journals in Sinhala and English and has authored two books. He has presented many research papers for International Academic Forums not only in Sinhala, English and Pali. He has organized a number of international forums and talks. He is the winner of Best Young Researcher Award for two years from the Unuversity of Kelaniya. 

Ven. Phra Panot Isarasakul

Ven. Phra Panot Isarasakul, an experienced Buddhist educator and holistic care provider, is a visiting lecturer on Buddhist Psychology and a developer of bereavement care programs in Thailand. He serves as a volunteer monk for spiritual and palliative care at prominent hospitals. As a Dhamma lecturer and dialogue facilitator, he engages in various initiatives, including broadcasting Buddhist podcasts, developing e-learning courses, and facilitating workshops for medical students. With a diverse background in academia and spiritual care, Ven. Isarasakul is dedicated to promoting holistic well-being through the integration of Buddhist principles into healthcare and education, fostering meaningful connections between individuals and communities.

Angkana Apichartvorakit, Ph.D

Angkana Apichartvorakit holds a Doctorate in Applied Thai Traditional Medicine from Mahidol University, Thailand, achieved in 2022. Prior to this, she earned a Master of Science in Anatomy in 2013 and a Bachelor of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine in 2010, both from Mahidol University, Thailand.

Bhikkhu Abhipunno

Venerable Abhipuñño (read:Abhi-pun-nyo) was ordained as a Theravādin monk on January 27th, 2013 at the age of 21 at Wat Ratana Wanaram in Phayao province, northern Thailand under the DhammayutikaNikāya sect. In his monastic journey, he spent 3 years in Thailand under the guidance of the preceptor and after receiving permission from his preceptor, he left Thailand with the aim of going to Myanmar to pursue a bachelor's degree in Buddha Dhamma at the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University (I.T.B.M.U) Yangon for 3 years and 1 year in Sri Lanka. On November 24th, 2021, he was given the trust to reside and teach at Siddharta Monastery, South Tangerang Banten Indonesia.

As for the existing activities, both past and ongoing, namely providing guidance to teenagers, especially those at Siddharta Monastery and providing encouragement and becoming a bridge for young people to form a community called Muda-mudi Buddhist Indonesia to keep remembering the Dhamma during covid-19 by conducting services together through Zoom media. And actively involved in providing guidance to prisoners in the class IIA Tangerang youth correctional institution and class I Jambe detention center. Currently I am also an active student at the Masters level at the Sriwijaya State Buddhist College Tangerang Banten starting from 2022.

Geshe Lodoe Sangpo

Geshe Lodoe Sanpo was born in Tibet and escaped to India in 1992. He obtained Geshe Lharamapa degree in 2018 and studied one year Tantric spirituality at Gyuto monastery, in 2019. Besides his Buddhist background, Geshe la has been learning science since 2006 and had the opportunity of studying biology and neuroscience at Emory University for three years. Currently he is taking responsibility of science education at his monastery, Gaden Jangtse and and serving as a supervisor of Thukdham research project at Unit B.

Geshe Lobsang Nima

Geshe Lobsang Nima was born in Kham, Tibet. He started his Buddhist studies and practices at Gaden Dhondup Ling monastery when he was thirteen years old. In 1992, he and a small group of monks escaped from Chinese-occupied Tibet and joined Drepung Loseling monastery in India to pursue his Buddhist studies.

     In 2010, he joined Gelgupa University and underwent all examinations to achieve his Geshe Lharampa doctoral degree in Buddhist philosophy. He was awarded his Geshe Lharampa degree in front of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Drepung Monastic University in 2015 and attend tantric studies at Gyuto Tantric College in Dharams​ala, India where he obtained Geshe   Lharampa’s Tantric degrees on four classes of Tantra. In 2017, he was invited by the University of Rhode Island, USA as visiting scholar and taught on various topics related with Buddhist Philosophy for six months. In his free times, he learnt  Kingian philosophy on Nonviolence and Peace studies in the University  and acquired level l certificate with Freedom Award. Besides, he visited some Dharma Center in USA to teach Buddhist Philosophy and Mind Training. 

     In addition, Geshe Nima has served the monastic community in a variety of positions. He taught both his undergraduate and graduate students at Drepung Loseling Monastic University and severed as Principal of the academic school from 2018 to 2021. Prior to his appointment to Disciplinarian he also served as secretary of Drepung Loseling Educational Fund and was Editor of the Drepung Loseling monastic university journal. He served as Disciplinarian of Drepung Loseling Monastery from 2021 to 2022. At the end of 2022 in December, he went to University of Minnesota, USA and taught group of undergraduate students about Secular Ethics and its importance in western world. Currently, he is serving as teacher in monastery.

Bhiksuni Thubten Chodron

Venerable Thubten Chodron graduated with a B.A. in History from UCLA in 1971 and did graduate work in Education at USC while teaching in the LA City Schools. She was ordained as a Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition in 1977 and has studied and practiced Tibetan Buddhism under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan masters for many years. She has been resident teacher at Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore and at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle, and is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey in Newport, Washington, USA one of the few monasteries for Western monastics in the Tibetan tradition in the United States. Active in interfaith dialogue and prison work, she has authored several books on Buddhism and is now working on a series with the Dalai Lama entitled the Library of Wisdom and Compassion. She teaches Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and meditation worldwide.

Ven Dr Upanand Thero

Dr. Upanand, born on July 14, 1982, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, is a distinguished scholar and Buddhist leader. With an extensive academic background, he earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Lucknow in 2001, followed by a Master of Arts in Ancient Indian History, a Master of Arts in Pali from S.S. University, Varanasi, and a Doctor of Philosophy in History from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (A Central University), Lucknow, in 2015, focusing on the "Rise and Growth of Buddhism in United Provinces (1858-1947)." In 2023, he added a Bachelor of Laws degree from Dr. Ambedkar Law College. Dr. Upanand's commitment to education extends to additional qualifications, including a Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication from Indira Gandhi National Open University and diplomas in Computer Service Engineering and Desktop Publishing. A multifaceted professional, he has served as an Assistant Professor (Contract) at the International Research Institute of Buddhist Studies and assumed leadership roles as the General Secretary of the Youth Buddhist Society of India and the Abbot of Abhidhamma Buddha Vihar in Sankissa. Actively involved in the propagation of Buddhism, he engages in Dhamma talks, organizes conferences, and conducts Bhikkhu Training Camps. Dr. Upanand, honored with the 'UGC National Fellowship' in 2010 and the 'Dhamma Chakra Gaurav Samman' in 2013, has authored notable books and actively contributes to social causes, exemplified by his work with the Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee and participation in Universal Peace Marches and medical camps. With ordination on July 14, 1992, and higher ordination on July 7, 2005, Dr. Upanand continues to be a guiding force in academia, Buddhism, and community service.

Phramaha Amornwit Yimkem

As an instructor spanning primary to higher education, Phramaha Amornwit Yimkem has contributed significantly to the Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Program, teaching "SITT 202 Happiness in Life, Work, and Career." Additionally, he's engaged in the extracurricular Dhamma training for students in the same program. His commitment to fostering holistic well-being and career satisfaction through the integration of Thai Traditional Medicine and Dhamma training reflects a dedication to nurturing students' personal and professional growth. With a focus on happiness and life fulfillment, his instructional role emphasizes the intersection of traditional healing practices and spiritual development in education.

Mr. Suebpong Chatdharmmaluck

Mr. Suebpong Chatdharmmaluck, a distinguished professional in the field of counseling psychology, has crafted an impressive academic and professional trajectory. Holding a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Chulalongkorn University, Mr. Chatdharmmaluck has showcased a profound dedication to the study and application of psychological principles. His commitment extends further with a Certification of Buddhist Counseling from Mahachulalongkornrajavidayala University, highlighting a unique and holistic approach to counseling.

Currently serving as a Counseling Psychologist at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department within the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Mr. Chatdharmmaluck plays a pivotal role in providing crucial psychological support within a medical context. His contributions significantly contribute to the comprehensive well-being of patients, emphasizing the importance of mental health in the overall healthcare landscape.

In addition to his clinical role, Mr. Chatdharmmaluck serves as a Co-lecturer in the Buddhist Counseling Course at Mahachulalongkornrajavidayala University. This dual responsibility reflects not only his proficiency in traditional counseling practices but also his commitment to integrating Buddhist principles into his approach. Mr. Chatdharmmaluck's role as an educator underscores his dedication to nurturing a new generation of compassionate and culturally aware counselors.

With a solid academic foundation, hands-on experience in a medical setting, and a commitment to education, Mr. Suebpong Chatdharmmaluck stands as a symbol of the harmonious fusion of psychology and spirituality in promoting mental health and overall well-being. His journey exemplifies a seamless integration of academic excellence, professional achievement, and a profound understanding of the intricacies of the human psyche.


Ven. Snr. Prof. Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Mahanayaka Thero


Venerable Senior Professor Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Mahanayaka Thero was born in Adadola village in the Galle District of Sri Lanka as the fourth child of a family of eight children. His father was late Mr. Aldin De Silva one of the reputed businessman and mother is Mrs. N. Aslin de Silva who hails from the Kandegoda, Ambalangoda. He had his early childhood education at the Dharmashoka Vidyalaya, Ambalangoda. In 1965, he was admitted to the ordination under Venerable Royal Pandith Walagedara Somaloka Thissa MahaNayake Thero and Venerable Pandith Paruthota Dhammarama Thissa Anunayake Thero. After gone through formal Buddhist education after ordination, Venerable Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thero was admitted to the Dematagoda Vidyalankara Pirivena in 1967. Upon completion of General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level), General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) and Oriental Studies examinations, he obtained the higher ordination at the Nagadeepa Raja MahaViharaya in Jaffna.

Based on his outstanding performance at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) examination, Venerable Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thero was admitted to the University of Kelanaiya, Sri Lanka in 1977 to pursue higher studies leading to the Bachelor of Arts Honors degree in Philosophy. Based on his academic merit, University of Kelaniya recruited him to the permanent academic staff as an Assistant Lecturer in 1983 at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In 1989, he completed his Master of Arts degree in Philosophy and was promoted to the Senior Lecturer, Grade II. 

In 1992 he was offered the Greek Government competitive scholarship to read for his Doctoral degree in Philosophy the University of Ioannina in Greece. He was engaged in advanced research studies on the Concept of Justice in Aristotle’s and Theravada Buddhist Ethics. Considering his outstanding research output, the University of Ioannina awarded him the Doctoral degree with First Class Honours. On his return, University of Kelaniya appointed Venerable Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thero as the Head of the Department of Philosophyin 2000.

During his tenure as a respected academic he rendered his yeomen services as a Senior Student Councilor in Bhikkhu affairs and coordinator of the Diploma programme in Psychology. He had also authored several books and about 60 research articles on Buddhist Philosophy, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology and Western and Eastern Philosophy. Venerable Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thero has also translated the Greek prominent text “City States” to Sinhala language.

In 2005 he was promoted as a Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya considering his contributions to teaching and research as well as to university and national Development. In 2013, he was promoted to the Grade of Senior Professor.

By considering his invaluable service rendered to Sri Lanka and to the world he has been offered “Sri Dharmaramadeeshwara Wansawatansa Dharasana Visharada” title and “Amarapura MahaNikaya Ambagapitiya Chapter” Anunayaka Thera position by the Mahanayaka and the Karaka Sanga Sabawa of Amarapura Nkaya.

On 20th February, Venerable Senior Professor Kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thero will be ceremonially offered Akthrapathra at the MahaChetiya Pirivena, Randobe in Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka. 

Lama Choedak Rinpoche

Lama Choedak Rinpoche studied as a monastic for 12 years, culminating in a 3½-year solitary meditation retreat in Lumbini, Nepal. He is the founder and spiritual director of the Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra in Australia. This was founded in 1987 and has many branches, including rural residential retreat centres and Rongton Buddhist Training College. He is a heart-son of H.E. Kyabje Chogye Trichen (1919-2007), one of H.H. Dalai Lama’s teachers. His Eminence bestowed upon Rinpoche the title ‘Tsarpa Lochen Lama Choedak Rinpoche’ in 2001. As a former post-graduate scholar of the Australian National University, Rinpoche has authored a number of books, including the best-seller ‘Healing Relationships.’ In recognition of his decades of dedicated work, the ACT government gave Rinpoche’s organization a land grant in Canberra, the nation’s capital, in 2017 to build a ‘Sakya Temple of Peace’ (STOP). This temple will be dedicated to promote peace, understanding and humanity, and the project is due to commence soon. Rinpoche teaches, translates and lives in Canberra. As a popular international speaker, he has a weekly online audience of 1,200 people from all over the world in sixty countries.

Ven. Dr. Ashin Sobita

Ven. Dr. Ashin Sobita, a revered Buddhist monk, is a distinguished spiritual leader with a profound connection to the teachings of Buddhism. Fluent in both Myanmar and English, Ven. Dr. Sobita embodies a cultural and linguistic richness that enhances his ability to share the wisdom of Buddhism with a global audience. As a Sāsanadhajadhammācariya with advanced degrees of M.A. and Ph.D., he has demonstrated a commitment to deepening his understanding of Buddhist philosophy and practice.

With eight years of teaching experience across various Buddhist universities, Ven. Dr. Ashin Sobita has dedicated himself to the education and enlightenment of others. His teachings reflect not only a mastery of the scriptures but also a compassionate approach that resonates with his students.

Ven. Dr. Sobita actively participates in conferences, contributing to the scholarly discourse on Buddhism. His attendance at numerous local conferences underscores his engagement in the academic and spiritual community, where he shares insights and gains new perspectives.

Ven. Dr Tenzin Nyima

Ven. Dr. Tenzin Nyima (Vidya Kumar) has completed doctoral research on ‘Critical Analysis on Relation of Body and Mind from Buddhist Perspective’ from Faculty of Hetu and Adhyatma Vidya, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi. He first joined the Drepung Lose-ling Monastic Institute in the year 1998 and has studied Buddhist epistemology, Buddhist psychology and Prajñāpāramitā as well asTibetan and English languages for 8 years. In 2006, he joined the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi and has studiedIndian Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan literature, Sanskrit, Hindi and English languages and obtained Shastri (B.A) and Acharya (M.A) degrees in 2013 and 2015 respectively. He then pursued for Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Degree from the same Institute and obtained the degree in 2018. He has been extending service as a Hindi and English translator to many Rinpoches, scholars and teachers around India. He has participated in numerous national and international seminars/workshops and has delivered talks and series of lectures. Also, there are several articles on his name published in various journals. At present, he is teaching Buddhist philosophy at his alma meter, CIHTS, Sarnath, in Sampradaya Shastra. 

Ven. Dhammavuddho

Ven. Dhammavuddho, a venerable monk, embodies a life dedicated to the teachings of Buddhism and the welfare of the community. With roots in the educational landscape, Ven. Dhammavuddho commenced his formal education at SD Eben Haezar in Manado, paving the way for subsequent academic achievements.

Venturing into higher education, Ven. Dhammavuddho pursued studies at Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta from 2004 to 2008, followed by postgraduate studies at Pasca Sarjana Esa Unggul University in Jakarta from 2009 to 2011. These academic endeavors laid the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of Buddhist principles and philosophy.

In addition to formal education, Ven. Dhammavuddho engaged in diverse informal learning experiences. He acquired expertise in taxation through the Lembaga Pengembangan Perpajakan Indonesia and refined his language skills at Bina Nusantara Language Centre. Furthering his conversational proficiency, he participated in the Be Conversation Class. His commitment to continuous improvement is evident in his completion of courses in accounting and Ms. Office at LPK Michigan Collage from 2000 to 2002.

Ven. Dhammavuddho's dedication extends beyond the academic realm. Since 2022, he has assumed the role of Pembina Yayasan Buddhist Peduli Pendidikan, emphasizing the importance of education within the Buddhist community. Concurrently, he serves as a Dewan Penasehat for FKUB Prov SULUT and a Pembina for Yayasan Vipassana Indonesia in Sumatera Utara.

As a spiritual leader, Ven. Dhammavuddho holds the position of Chief Of Association Buddhist Tour Operator Region Indonesia (ABTO) since 2020. His commitment to the Sangha Theravada Dhammayut Indonesia (STDI) as Ketua since 2019 demonstrates his leadership within the Theravada Buddhist community.

Ven. Dhammavuddho's contributions transcend organizational roles. He actively participates in various foundations, councils, and educational institutions, including the Dhammadipa Manado, Perwakilan Umat Buddha Indonesia (Walubi), and Majelis Umat Buddha Theravada Indonesia (Majubuthi).

Geshe Thabkhe

Geshe Thabkhe became a monk at the age of 10. In 1997 joined in SeraJey monastery and He studied Buddhist philosophy for more than 20 years and secured 1st Rank subsequently for Six -year Lharam Examination in 2018 and also 1st  rank for Nwagrampa at Gyuto monastery in 2019. He had been studying science since 2005 and was part of first cohort of Tenzin Gyatso scholar studying modern science for  three years (2010-2013) at Emory University at Atlanta in USA . In the year 2022, he also undertook  research training about studying the brain, at North Western University in Chicago. 

Moreover, since 2013 he taught, introduction of physics and philosophy of science for young monks at Sera Jey monastery and working as a member of the core team of researchers investigating the impacts of monastic debate and analytical meditation on the brain. A few of the accomplishments are as below; 

  • van Vugt, M., et. al. “Tibetan Buddhist monastic debate: psychological and neuroscientific analysis of a reasoning-based analytical meditation practice.”
  • van Vugt, M., et. al. “Inter-brain synchronization in the practice of Tibetan monastic debate.” 
  • Thabkhe (2018). “Buddhist Philosophy of Particles.” Cosmology and Consciousness IV: Emptiness and Quantum Mechanics, 107-115. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala.

Currently Serving as modern education director at Sera Jey monastery and residential teacher of the monastery.  

Ven. Phra Patipol Srewarom

With a Bachelor of Arts in Social Research from Thammasat University, Ven. Phra Patipol Srewarom serves as the Head of the Innovation in Dhamma Media Team at Wat Nyannavesakavan. As an experienced instructor in Holistic Care and Buddhist Psychology, he teaches "SITT 202 Happiness in Life, Work, and Career" in the Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Program. Beyond teaching, Ven. Phra Patipol Srewaromtrains academic staff, conducts extracurricular Dhamma training, and facilitates board games. Engaging in innovative projects, he contributes to game development, participating as a tester for projects like "LIFE--L-I-N-E & SPACE missions," "Bull Battle," and "Game of Life." This dynamic biography showcases Ven. Phra Patipol Srewarom multifaceted roles in education, holistic care, and media innovation.

Darunee Rattanawongsamathakul

 Dr. Rattanawongsamathakul holds a Doctor of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine and a Doctor of Philosophy from the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand, achieved in 2023. She obtained her professional license in applied Thai traditional medicine in 2012 and completed her Bachelor of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine from the same university in the same year.

In terms of employment history, Dr. Rattanawongsamathakul currently serves as the Head of Ayurved Clinic Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital since 2023. Additionally, she has been an Assistant Lecturer at the Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine since 2021. Her earlier roles include serving as Assistant Head of Ayurved Clinic Center from 2017 to 2023 and practicing as an Applied Thai Traditional medical practitioner since 2013.

Dr. Rattanawongsamathakul specializes in Thai Traditional Medicine, particularly in Thai traditional therapeutic massage. Her research contributions include a publication in the Siriraj Medical Journal in 2021, focusing on the Guideline Practice of Thai Traditional Medicine Treatment for the Prevention and Reduction of COVID-19 Transmission. She has also presented on topics such as Aging Management in Thai Traditional Medicine and Thai Traditional Medicine best practices in the pandemic era at conferences in 2022 and 2021, respectively.

Ven. Ja Hong

Ven. Ja Hong, a prominent figure within the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, is a dedicated Buddhist monk and scholar known for his multifaceted contributions to the propagation of Dharma. Serving within the esteemed Jogye Order, Ven. Ja Hong has established himself as a revered monk and a trailblazer in contemporary Buddhist communication.

He is intricately connected to Song-gwang-sa (松廣寺), the Main Temple of the 21st District, where he has played a pivotal role in fostering spiritual growth and community engagement. As a Buddhist web-cartoonist, Ven. Ja Hong has utilized modern mediums to convey ancient wisdom, making Buddhist teachings accessible to a broader audience.

In recognition of his innovative efforts in Dharma propagation, Ven. Ja Hong has been designated as the Buddhist Creator of the Dharma Propagation Division within the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. This role underscores his commitment to leveraging various platforms for the dissemination of Buddhist teachings.

In pursuit of academic excellence, Ven. Ja Hong is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Seon Buddhism Studies at Dongguk University. His academic pursuits reflect a dedication to deepening his understanding of Buddhist philosophy, contributing to both scholarly discourse and practical applications of Buddhist principles.

Rev. Ryokyu Endo

Ryokyu Endo was born in Tokyo, Japan, and lived in New York City as a child. He is Chief Priest of Wada

Temple (Japan), founder of Tao Shiatsu, musician, and peace activist, among many other callings. Reverend Endo has written eight books translated into seven languages and released six CDs with a major record company still played on radio and television in Japan and other countries. His latest CD, titled “Dalai Lama,” has been dedicated to and inspired by His Holiness’s lifelong commitment to peace, justice, and enlightenment for all. 

He has taught in twelve countries, and has students around the world who practice the teachings of Flame of Hope Buddhist interfaith practice and Tao Shiatsu.

​Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchub Choeden

Geshe Jangchup Choeden Shartse Khensur Rinpoche, a highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist scholar, received his rigorous training at Gaden Shartse Monastery, where he graduated as a Geshe Lharampa and later obtained an advanced degree of Geshe Ngagrampa from Gyuto Tantric University. His profound studies were conducted under the guidance of eminent Tibetan masters, including His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Fluent in Tibetan, Hindi, English, and Mandarin, he has traveled extensively, disseminating the teachings of Dharma in numerous countries across America, Europe, and Asia. Serving as the Abbot (Khen Rinpoche) of Gaden Shartse Monastery from 2009 to 2017, he demonstrated his leadership within his alma mater. Subsequently, from 2017 to 2022, he assumed the role of Executive Director of Geluk International Foundation and Secretary of Gaden Trithok Khang. Beyond his monastic roles, Geshe Jangchup Choeden actively engages in international dialogues and conferences, currently holding the position of Secretary General of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) in Delhi. Furthermore, he serves as the Vice President at the Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition (IHCNBT) in Delhi, Sangha Advisor at the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Advisor at the Sri Lankan and Tibetan Buddhist Brotherhood Society (SLTBBS) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Additionally, he is a Trustee at Pipal Tree, a Bangalore-based social, environmental, and cultural organization, and a Patron at the Associacaon Buddha Dharma in Valinhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil. His diverse engagements also include serving as a Council member at the National Culture Fund (NCF) under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

Ven. Dr. Ashin Nandaka

Ven. Dr. Ashin Nandaka stands as a distinguished figure in the realm of Buddhist education, serving as the Vice Chancellor of IBPU International Buddhist Pali University in Myanmar. In addition to his administrative role, he holds the esteemed title of President of the Dhamma School Foundation in the Yangon Division, reflecting his commitment to the dissemination of Buddhist teachings.

Educationally, Ven. Dr. Ashin Nandaka has attained the academic title of Dhammacariya, alongside holding degrees of B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. His academic journey reflects a profound dedication to the study and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge.

A prolific scholar, Ven. Dr. Ashin Nandaka has contributed significantly to the academic field with three published papers and six books in the Myanmar language. Notably, his scholarly endeavors extend beyond linguistic boundaries, with one book published in English, showcasing his commitment to reaching a diverse audience.

Ven. Ashin Sarana

Venerable Ashin Sarana, a revered Buddhist monk, epitomizes a life dedicated to spiritual practice, education, and the global dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Ordained as a Bhikkhu on June 30, 2012, he currently holds 12 vassas, marking a significant milestone in his monastic journey. Originating from Sri Lanka, Venerable Ashin Sarana has acquired a profound education, earning a Bachelor of Arts (BPhil.) degree.

Since 2007, Venerable Ashin Sarana has immersed himself in the study and teaching of Buddhist scriptures and meditation, predominantly in South East Asia. His academic pursuits led him to Sri Lanka, where he engaged in university studies, delving deep into the wisdom of Buddhist philosophy. Following four years of rigorous training as a novice, he embarked on a transformative journey to Myanmar, spending five years with his preceptor and meditation teacher in Shwe Oo Min Tawya. During this period, he dedicated himself to memorizing Pali scriptures and mastering Vipassana (Insight) meditation practice.

In 2017, Venerable Ashin Sarana extended his teachings globally, sharing his profound knowledge and experiences in meditation and Buddhist philosophy. His travels have taken him to Australia, the USA, Europe, Singapore, Vietnam, and various other countries. Currently based in Hanoi, Vietnam, Venerable Ashin Sarana continues to teach Buddhist practice and meditation, catering to a diverse audience both online and offline.

Venerable Ashin Sarana's skills encompass a broad range, from the cultivation of loving-kindness meditation to a deep understanding of the nature of mind and body. Rooted in strict monastic discipline, he possesses profound knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, history, literature, and counseling. Linguistically versatile, he communicates fluently in Czech, English, Burmese, Sinhalese, Pali, French, and Vietnamese.

Prof. Ven. Medagampitiye Vijithadhamma Thero

Prof. Ven. Medagampitiye Vijithadhamma Thero boasts an impressive academic journey, holding a Ph.D. in Pali from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, earned in 2009. His pursuit of knowledge also includes an M.A. in Linguistics with Merit Pass from the University of Kelaniya in 2005 and a B.A. (Hons) in Pali with First Class Honours from the University of Peradeniya in the same year.

In recognition of his academic prowess, Prof. Thero holds the Royal (Prācīna) Pandit Degree, achieving the All Island First in Sinhala, Pali, and Sanskrit, awarded by the Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka in 1999. Adding to his accolades, he received the title of Aggamahā Gantha Vācaka Paṇḍita from the Government of Union of Myanmar in 2021 and an honorary Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the Dharma Buddhist University, Malaysia, in 2017.

Prof. Thero has held various prestigious positions, including Head of the Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. His leadership extends to international academic bodies, where he serves as an Executive Committee Member for both the International Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (IATBU) and the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU).

In terms of professional experience, Prof. Thero has been a Professor in Pali and Buddhist Studies at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura since December 2015. His dedication to education is evident through his roles as a Senior Lecturer (Grade II) and Lecturer (Probationary) in the Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies, contributing significantly to the academic landscape. Additionally, he has served as a Visiting Lecturer at various institutions, including the University of Peradeniya and the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.

The accomplished scholar has authored several published books, delving into subjects such as Pali Grammar, Pali Grammatical Literature, Studies in Pali Commentaries, Comparative Pali Grammar, Buddhist Vinaya Karma, and more. His contributions to academia, coupled with extensive professional experience and leadership roles, mark Prof. Ven. Medagampitiye Vijithadhamma Thero as a prominent figure in the field of Pali and Buddhist Studies.

Geshe Sonam Wangden

Born in Tibet and came in exile in India in 1992 and joined Sera Jey Secondary School. Studied there for six years and joined in the first batch of 10th standard CBSE in March 1998, Sera Jey Secondary School. 

He entered Sera Jey Monastic University for further studies of Buddhist philosophy in April 1998 and continued for a long and extensive studies for 18 years. Then he completed 6 years of the great Gelug exam for LharamGeshe from 2015 – 2020. In 2021, joined Gyudmed Tantric University for one year and completed its special courses on Tantric philosophy. He has been one of the top three rank holders every year since from 1992 – 2021 except some years of 4th and 5th ranks. 

Most Venerable Thich Quang Ba

Most Venerable Thich Quang Ba was born in Central Vietnam in 1955 and entered monastic life in 1964. From 1968 to 1975, he studied at various Monastic Colleges and Universities, being ordained as a Semanera in 1970 and as a Bikkhu in 1974. He became an active member of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) in 1974. Notably, in 1975, he participated in the translation of the Middle-Length Agama 224 Sutras. Between 1971 and 1975, he served as a Dhamma preacher for congregations in Bình Định and Khánh Hoa.

In 1976, he was appointed as the Head of Phú Bổn Congregation by UBCV Headquarters but faced imprisonment from 1977 to 1980 due to resisting temple eviction orders in Phú Bổn. In 1980-1981, he joined the editorial team for Vietnam's First Buddhist Encyclopedia Project. In March 1983, he escaped Vietnam as a boat person and landed in Malaysia, operating the Camp Temple and assisting refugees. In November 1983, he resettled as a refugee monk in Sydney and later in Canberra.

From 1984 to the present, Venerable Thich Quang Ba has been actively involved in various projects aimed at promoting Dhamma and engaged Buddhism. Notable projects include the establishment of Vạn Hạnh Youth Group (1984), Refugees Resettlement Scheme (1985), and the development of Van Hanh Monastery. He played crucial roles in fundraising and obtaining land for several projects, such as the Rahula Community Lodge (1997-2001) and the Main Shrine & World Peace Stupa (2008-10 & 2015-19).

Venerable Thich Quang Ba has also played significant roles in the ordination process, serving as Secretary General for various Ordination Platforms in Vietnam and abroad. His roles include Witnessing Preceptor and Acarya Preceptor for ordination ceremonies in different locations, involving hundreds of ordainees.

In terms of Dhamma dissemination, he has conducted approximately 80 teaching tours since 1985, spanning various states and cities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and European nations. Additionally, he has been actively involved in natural disasters relief and charitable trips, raising around $5 million AUD to aid victims and disadvantaged individuals in affected areas, particularly inside Vietnam.

Prof. Ven. Lenagala Siriniwasa Thero

Ven. Lenagala Siriniwasa Thero obtained a B.A.(Hons) in 2000 with First Class from the University of Kelaniya. His Master's degree is from the University of Delhi in 2005 and he passed it with first class. Ven. Thero completed his PhD (Advaita Vedanta and Buddhist epistemology on Indeterminate and Determinate Perception) in 2009 at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi, India. He was awarded an ICCRC scholarship and an Indu-Lanka scholarship for his postgraduate studies. He is an eminent author of many books such as Atharvaveda translation into Sinhala, General Problem of Indian Epistemology, Nakṣatradīpamālā Sinhala translation, and Critical study on Jānkīharaṇa and so on. He was the former Dean of Faculty of Language Studies at Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. His present position is HOD, Department of Sanskrit, BPU.

Further, he has earned a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education (NIE) and a Royal Pandith degree from the Oriental Studies Society. Ven. Thero's research interest is in Buddhist Sanskrit and Vedic Sanskrit.

His interest is turning into Samatha-Vipassana meditation. He has experience in guiding practitioners to reach higher spiritual goals. He is the Founder of SathimathVivekaSenasuna (Center for Mindfulness and Relaxation).

Geshema Tenzin Lhadron

  Geshema Tenzin Lhadron (Chopa Tenzin Lhadron) is from Zanskar Valley in the Union Territory of Ladakh, India. At the age of 13 she received teachings and Kalachakara Initiation from His Holiness the Great XIV Dalai Lama at Duzin Podang Pipiting in Zanskar. His Holiness’s teachings and advice inspired her to make her journey to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh to study the essence of the Buddha’s teachings on Wisdom and Compassion base on reason and logic. 

  She was fortunate to be able to join in the first group of nuns at Jamyang Choling Institute, an Educational Institute for Himalayan Buddhist Women in 1989 and received comprehensive education in five major Buddhist philosophical Texts of ancient Indian Nalanda Buddhist Tradition from many renowned teachers from the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (IBD), Namgyal Monastery mostly educated at the Great Learning centre of Drepung Monastic University in South India. 

  Currently she is one of the Indian National Sangha Council member of the Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition Head Office base in New Delhi. She is also working for the Himalayan Buddhist Culture Association base in Delhi over 20 years as well as serving to the Board of Geshema Degree Examination.

Ven. Phramaha Khunpon Klaysuwan (Samacitto)

Ven. Phramaha Khunpon Klaysuwan, also known as Samacitto, has dedicated 35 years of his life to the monastic path. Ordained for 13 years, he began his spiritual journey at the Wat Phananchoeng Varavihara monastery in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Throughout his monastic journey, Ven. Phramaha Khunpon Klaysuwan has immersed himself in the study of Buddhism, delving into the nuances of the Pali language, meditation, and philosophy. His extensive knowledge and profound experiences have shaped him into a devoted Vipassana instructor.

Currently, he plays a crucial role in guiding the Sangha in Ayutthaya Province and actively contributes to the Vipassana Institute at Mahachul Buddhist University in Thailand. Through his teachings and spiritual leadership, Ven. Phramaha Khunpon Klaysuwan continues to inspire others on their own paths of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Ven. Prof. Dr. Candamukha

Ven. Dr. Candamukha was born in Yangon Region, Myanmar in 1974. The Venerable received higher ordination to become a Buddhist monk under the preceptor of Bhaddanta Ukkatthabhivamsa, in 24th February 1994. The Venerable earned Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya and Vinayavidu degrees from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Myanmar in 1996 and 1999 respectively. The Venerable earned Ph.D. in Buddha Dhamma Degree also in 2013 from the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, Myanmar. The Venerable started to serve as academic staff at the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University in 2003. Currently, the Venerable is serving as a professor at the same university.

Sermey Khenrinpoche Tashi Tsering

Venerable Khenrinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering was appointed the 91st abbot of Sera Mey Monastery by his Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2018. Prior to this, he was the resident teacher at Jamyang Buddhist Centre London for 24 years.

Born in Purang, Tibet in 1958, Sermey Khenrinpoche Tashi Tsering  escaped to exile in India with his parents. He received his early education in schools run by exile Tibetan Administration in India.

He then studied at Sera Mey Monastic University, India, and graduated with a Lharampa Geshe degree, an equivalent of a Ph.D in 1990. He entered the Higher Tantric College for another year of study. Geshe Tashi’s teaching career began at Sera, followed by Kopan Monastery, Nepal, Gandhi Foundation College in Nagpur, India, and then Europe, initially at Nalanda Monastery in France, before moving to UK, where he was the resident teacher at Jamyang Buddhist Centre in London from 1994 to 2018. In 2017 he received a M.A degree in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

He had written 6 books on Buddhist Philosophy and Practices and created a two year online Buddhist course, The Foundation of Buddhist Thought.  In June 2019 Geshe Tashi was awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen's birthday honors list for his services to Buddhism in the UK.

Gaden Shartse Ven Lopsang Chapel

  Yulting Tulku, also known as Lopsang Chapel Lama, was born in Nepal in 1994 and was identified as a Reincarnation. He commenced his journey in Buddhist studies at GadenShartse Monastery at the tender age of 7, delving into Buddhist philosophy. His academic milestones include receiving the Pramanavartika certificate in 2009, the Prajnaparamita certificate in 2014, the Madhyamika certificate in 2017, the Abhidharma certificate in 2018, the Vinaya Certificate in 2020, and the Karam Certificate in 2022.

  He served as a speaker at the Second Indo Tibetan Scholars Conference on Psychology and Contemplative Practice held in 2022. Additionally, he contributed as a translator for the Emory Tibet Science Initiative Summer Comprehensive Program and various other seminars. Yulting Tulku also conducted teachings in Singapore and held the esteemed position of spiritual teacher at GadenShartse School for five years. Subsequently, he continued imparting personal teachings to students and presently serves as the translator course guide at GadenShartse School.

  Currently, Yulting Tulku is pursuing the Great Gelug Examination, working towards achieving GesheLharampa (PHD). He has completed three years of this pursuit, emerging as the top-performer each year.

Ven. Ashin Theravamsa

Ven. Theravamsa, born on June 30, 1979, holds a distinguished position as the Principal of Diparaṅga International Pali School and serves as an Assistant Lecturer at the International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University in Yangon, Myanmar. His academic expertise lies in the field of Sasanadhajadhammācariya, and he has earned significant qualifications, including a B.A (B.Dh), M.A (B.Dh), and a Ph.D., with a focus on his thesis. Ven. Theravamsa's dedication to Pali education and his role in disseminating knowledge at both the school and university levels underscore his commitment to the propagation of Theravāda Buddhist teachings.

Geshe Jamyang Norbu

Geshe Jamyang Norbu was born in the year 1968 in Dagyab Jamdun east Tibet to Mr. Dakpa and Mrs. Poedon.

At the age of 8, he began to study basic Tibetan reading and writing at a local primary school for three years. At the age of thirteen, he became a novice monk and studied Buddhist common ritual performance from his first Guru Lobsang Samten in Chango village for a few years. After that time, he thought, it was enough the only study what he had done in the past few years, but there is nothing to get more education from his country under the misrule power of China. 

So, he escaped to India via the Nepal border dangerously, then he was admitted to Drepung Loseling the largest Buddhist university in south India and studied hard on Buddhist philosophy such as Pramana, Prajpramitra, Matheyamika, Vinaya and Abidharmakoshka for more than 20 years, during that time, on the yearly examination, he got awards of the top first position among all students.  

When he finished his studies at his monastery he was admitted to the Gelugpa University for 6 years and at the many time of Gelugpa examinations, he got the top position among same-class students. Finally, he attained the Buddhist highest degree of Geshi Lharampa (Doctorate in Philosophy) in 2005. He was also educated in Tantric philosophy, English, Hindi and modern science for many years by different teachers. 

For the last 15 years, He has been teaching Buddhism, and Tibetan language, particularly Tantric texts including Vajrayogini and Yamantaka in Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Singapore, Nepal and India

Geshe Ngawang Sonam

After doing his primary education, up to class ten at Upper TCV School, Geshe Ngawang Sonam joined Sera Monastic University in 1995 to devote his life to the intensive study and practice of Buddhism.  In 2008, he was selected by the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama through an examination to become one of the English translators for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Since then, he has accompanied His Holiness to various places in India and about nine countries around the world. Following his more than twenty years of intensive monastic studies on the five major treatises of Buddhism, and upon clearing all six successive years of examinations, in Jan 2019, he was formally conferred the degree of Geshe Lharampa [traditional degree equivalent to PhD in Buddhism] by Gelugpa Monastic Seat of Learning [Gelugpa Monastic University]. In Nov. 2016, upon seeking His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s blessing to devote the rest of his life as a hermit in solitude, His Holiness called him back to work in His Office. Currently, he works in the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the capacity of a Buddhist scholar and translator.  Alongside his office work, he also finds time to teach and attend conferences with modern scholars and scientists as a speaker representing the Nalanda Buddhist tradition. 

Rev. Jokan Ono

Jokan Ono was born in 1986 in Tokyo. He got ordained when he was 10 years old at Mt. Hiei, the head temple of the Tendai sect in Japan. After entering Waseda University he practiced esoteric Buddhism practice at the age of 20 at Mt. Hiei and completed the program to become the official Tendai monk. He went to Lewis & Clark College to study world religion as an exchange student. He got a Bachelor of Religion from Waseda University in Tokyo. After graduating from university, he got a job at a consulting company and worked for 4 years and started a business of Buddhist Temple café in Japan to try to attract ordinary people to come to Buddhist temples and build a bridge between them. After the business, again he went back to Mt. Hiei and re-practiced and completed 100-day circumambulation practice at Mt. Hiei. The practice is called “Kaiho-gyo” which is one of the famous Japanese Buddhist practices for severity. After completing the practice, he went back to Tokyo and became a chief priest of Fugenji as a 43rd generation and tried to build a peaceful bridge.

Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche

Tongkhor Rinpoche, identified as the fourteenth reincarnation in the Siling Tongkhor Tulku lineage by The Dalai Lama, earned his Geshe degree from Sera Mey Monastic University and concluded vajrayana studies at the Gyuto Tantric College in 2016. Rinpoche has taught meditation and Buddhist principles at Franklin College in Indiana, USA. Since 2017, he annually led the Medicine Buddha Prayer Tour across Europe and the USA, disseminating Buddhist teachings and offering advice for a more peaceful and compassionate life to his global audience.

Ven. Mahayano

Ven. Mahayano currently resides in Thailand

Telo Tulku Rinpoche

Telo Tulku Rinpoche was born on October 27, 1972 to a Kalmyk family in the United States. As a 4-year-old boy, he expressed his wish to be a Buddhist monk. At the age of 6, in 1979, he got a chance to meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV in New York who recommended sending him to Drepung Gomang Monastery in India to get proper training as a Buddhist monk. He spent 13 years in Drepung Gomang studying Buddhist philosophy under the guidance of illustrious Tibetan masters. In the late 1980s, while studying in the monastery, he was recognized as a new reincarnation (tulku) of Tilopa, a great Indian saint.

In 1991 the young monk came to his ancestors’ motherland – Kalmykia. He was among the delegation which accompanied His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV during His first visit to Russia. Shortly afterwards, in 1992, Telo Rinpoche was elected as the Shadjin Lama (Head Lama) of Kalmykia by the Kalmyk people and was entrusted to lead the process of spiritual restoration of one of the three Buddhist regions in Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Being the President of the Buddhist Union of Kalmykia he has supervised and helped to rebuild and construct over 37 Buddhist temples and 120 stupas, including the main temple in the capital city, the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni, which is the biggest Buddhist temple in Russia and Europe. What is more, he has dispatched dozens of young Kalmyk men to India for formal monastic training. Telo Rinpoche’s efforts are about preserving the Kalmyk Buddhist mentality and culture along with basic secular human ethics like compassion, love, kindness and non-violence.

Over the years, he made special efforts to strengthen religious and cultural ties between traditional Buddhists in Russia and Tibetan community led by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In 2007 he initiated the first ever Mongolian and Russian Buddhist Festival that was successfully held in Dharamsala (India). In 2007 Naropa Tilopa Buddhist Center in Mongolia requested Telo Tulku Rinpoche to supervise the revival of Naropanchen Monastery that he had led in his previous reincarnation. Telo Rinpoche now visits Mongolia on a regular basis and helps to promote a religious exchange between Mongolia and the Dalai Lama's institutions.

Telo Rinpoche’s activities are directed towards the revival of Buddhism. His energy, purposefulness and goodwill help people understand and grasp wisdom of Buddhist philosophy. Telo Tulku Rinpoche regularly gives teachings and talks for the general public and young people in Kalmykia, Moscow, Mongolia, India, USA and other countries. He has recently given lectures at Stanford University and gave a detailed account on the revival of Buddhism in Kalmykia in the post–Soviet–Union period. His multiple articles and talks have been published in various academic journals.

Telo Tulku Rinpoche has initiated international events and projects that involve participation of scholars and monks not only from Russia, but from Mongolia, India, USA, Thailand, Sri Lanka etc. A number of events were organized together with representatives of monastic community of Sri Lanka. In 2011 the Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Russia came to Kalmykia to give the holy Buddhist relics as a present for the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni monastery.

Being the Shadjin Lama (Head Lama) of Kalmykia he makes a great contribution towards strengthening the intercultural and interfaith dialogue in the republic.

In 2014 Telo Tulku Rinpoche was appointed as the new Honorary Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Russia, Mongolia and CIS countries at the Tibet Culture & Information Centre (Office of Tibet) in Moscow, Russia.

Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thero

Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thero was born in year 1953. In year 1965, he became novice Buddhist monk under the mentorship of Ven. Sumanjothi Maha Thera and received the Higher Ordination at the age of 22 at Malwatta Chapter, Kandy. He obtained “Diploma in Buddhist Philosophy” from the Vidyodaya Buddhist Institution, Sri Lanka.

In year 1984, Venerable arrived at the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Kuala Lumpur at the invitation of the Sri Jayanti Association to be the resident monk, where he oversaw the transformation of the temple from an old tattered look to an attractive Buddhist temple with Sri Lankan traditional architecture. As the new abbot, he had built the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Sentul into an important monastery today with many resident Bhikkhus. Over the past more than 3 decades, he has been working energetically to fulfil the spiritual and religious needs of Buddhists throughout the country. He too, has been working tirelessly in promoting the welfare of Malaysian people and in cultivating the spirit of social service and unity amongst Buddhists.

He started the free clinic, free tuition classes and the Metta home for homeless elderly through Sri Jayanti Welfare Organization (SJWO), which was an organization he formed in 1991. To ensure that the spiritual and welfare program could benefit a larger section of the Malaysian community, he later initiated “Maha Karuna Buddhist Society (MKBS)” in the year 2001. Since the day of its establishment, MKBS has been playing a leading role in helping people in Malaysia and overseas, covering almost all aspects of the charity service under his patronage. In 2003, he established the Maha Karuna Compassionate Home, which is a senior citizen home. In 2006, Maha Karuna Foundation was formed to serve the needy in Malaysia irrespective of ethnic and religious belief. The charitable activities of Maha Karuna Foundation are including provision to needy students, free medical aid, aid provision to senior citizen and disabilities group, too, financial aids to the needy.

In addition to these works, Ven. B. Sri Saranankara had also been instrumental in establishing many other Buddhist Societies in Malaysia and overseas, notably the Maha Karuna Buddhist Society, Maha Karuna Foundation, Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society, Mudita Buddhist Society, Upekkha Compassionate Home, and Sungai Long Buddhist Society. Venerable B. Sri Saranankara is also the Spiritual Advisor to many Buddhist Societies throughout Malaysia and Sri Lanka, i.e Religious Patrons of Young Buddhist Association Malaysia and Spiritual Advisor to Theravada Buddhist Council Malaysia, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Sri Saranankara Foundation, President of Bootawatte Saranankara Thero Trust Fund.

Other great initiatives incepted by him to serve the Buddhist community in Malaysia and overseas includes Monks and Nuns Education Funds, Young Buddhist Novitiate Training Program, Adult Novitiate Training Program, undertaking reconstruction or establishing education centres, schools, library, clinics, Buddhist Temple, aids provision to natural disaster victims, donation of medical equipment to hospitals such as dialysis machine, X-Ray Machine and PCR System Comprising of Trulab Device.

In Year 2007, Ven. B. Sri Saranankara became the joint-organising chairperson of Buddhist Culture and Arts Festival (BCAF 2007) – first ever grand Buddhist event in Malaysia history participated by 50 Buddhist societies in Malaysia representing Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions.

In recognition of his contributions to the development of Malaysian Buddhist movement, the Malwatte Chapter of the Syamupali in Kandy, Sri Lanka, conferred upon Ven. B. Sri Saranankara the title of “Adhikarana Sangha Nāyaka” in 2008. He was honoured by the Supreme Council of the Maha Sangha of Malwattha Chapter , Kandy, Sri Lanka by conferring the title “Sangha Keerthi Sri” in 2017.

Venerable Phramedhivajirodom (Ven. V. Vajiramedhi)

Venerable Phramedhivajirodom (V. Vajiramedhi), a thinker, writer, scholar, poet, and social worker committing to promote world peace by working with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), who was appointed as "UNHCR’s Patron for Peace and Compassion" in 2018 at the UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland,

is a Thai person considered the first Asian and the second person in the world to hold this prestigious position in the world.

Venerable Phramedhivajirodom is commonly known in Thai society under his pen name "V. Vajiramedhi" originating from the full name "Venerable Maha Vudhichai", aka "Vajiramedhi".

V. Vajiramedhi was born on January 29, 1973 at Khrueng Tai Village, Khrueng Sub-district, Chiang Khong District,

Chiang Rai Province. He was ordained a Buddhist monk on May 10, 1994 at Wat Khrueng Tai, Khrueng Sub-district, Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai Province.


- The ninth level of formal Buddhist ecclesiastical studyfrom Wat Bowonniwet Vihara, a Royal Buddhist monastery

- Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

- Master’s Degree in Buddhist Studies from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

He was awarded honorary doctoral degrees from leading educational institutions in Thailand in a variety of disciplines as follows:

1. Hatyai University (Honorary Doctorate of Arts)

2. Eastern Asia University (Honorary Doctorate of Arts in the Thai Language)

3. Sripatum University (Honorary Doctorate of Arts, in Public Relations)

4. Mae Fah Luang University (Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy, in Social Science)

5. Maejo University (Honorary Doctorate of Economics, in Applied Economics)

6. Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (Honorary Doctorate of Arts, in the Thai Language for International


7. University of Phayao (Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy, in Educational Administration)

8. Naresuan University (Honorary Doctorate of Education, in Development Education)

9. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (Honorary Doctorate of Buddhist Studies, in Buddhism)

10. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Honorary Doctorate in Science, Digital Media Technology)


V. Vajiramedhi is a Buddhist monk, thinker, writer, and scholar, who has continuously produced and introduced his academic works, semiacademic works, articles, essays, Applied Dharma, and poetry into Thai society. for more than 19 years.

From his first Dhamma work (“Dhamma with Wings”) in 2004 to the present (2023), he has published in the Thai language not less than 250 titles, more than 20 of which have been translated into other languages, e.g., English, Spanish, Italian, French, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, and Japanese.


His dedication to academic work, teaching, presentation, lecture, spreading Buddhism through radio, television, and social media across multiple platforms, including teaching meditation in Thailand and abroad became so outstanding that government agencies and educational institutions locally and abroad honored him with many awards such as the following:


- UNHCR’s Patron for Peace and Compassion Award from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for

Refugees, Geneva, Switzerland

- Peace Education Award from the Gusi Peace Prize Foundation, Manila, Philippines. 

- World’s Outstanding Buddhist Monk Award from the President of Sri Lanka



- "Sartramedhi" Royal Award from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, the Princess Debaratana Rajasuda, The Princess Royal

- "Best Writer of the Year" Royal Award from MR Ayumongkol Sonakul Foundation

- "Golden Sema Thammachak Pillar" Royal Award from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, the Princess Debaratana Rajasuda, The Princess Royal

- “Person of the Year” Award from the Ministry of Culture and the Prime Minister's Office 

- Selected as one of the 100 most influential Thai people of the year from A Day magazine, etc.

Bestowed with the rank of “Phramedhivajirodom”, a high Buddhist ecclesiastical dignitary, ordinary level, V. Vajiramedhi is currently the assistant abbot of Wat Phra Singh, Royal Buddhist monastery, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province

and the founder of the following:

- Buddhist Economics University

- Sujata Sikkhalai, a Buddhist temple

- “Phramedhivajirodom” Fund for scholarships for refugees of Albert Einstein programme and UNHCR

- Vimuttayalaya Institute (also Chairman of the Foundation)

- Cherntawan International Meditation Center (also Chairman of the Foundation)

Despite his high position at Chiang Rai’s temple, he spends most of his time devoting himself to writing, spreading Buddhism,

and teaching meditation to Thais and foreigners at Rai Cherntawan International Meditation Center, Huai Sak Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province.


Tempa Tsering

Tempa Tsering, a Tibetan Refugee born on 15 May 1950 in Drumpa, Gyantse, Tibet. His family in Tibet was agro-nomads by profession. After the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959, he and his family escaped into exile in India.

An alumnus of Dr. Grahams Homes, Kalimpong, he graduated with B.Sc. from Madras Christian College in South India.

Tempa Tsering was also elected as the member of the Central Executive Committee of the Tibetan Youth Congress and its advisor.

  • From 1973 to 2016, he worked at the Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala in various capacities:
  • 1973-1974: At the Tibetan settlement in Bylakuppe, as interpreter and office secretary
  • 1974-80: At the Department of Information and International Relations as a Lower Division Clerk and later as Deputy Secretary.
  • 1981-1985: At the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama as Deputy Secretary and later as the Additional Secretary, travelled extensively around the world accompanying His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
  • 1986-1987: At the Department of Home as the Additional Secretary
  • 1988-1990: Was deputed to Bangalore to set-up the present Chief Representative’s Office to coordinate the administration of projects of the five settlements in Karnataka State and liaise with State Government.
  • 1991-1999: At the Department of Information and International Relations as its Secretary
  • 2000-2001: At the Department of Home as the Home Minister (Kalon). Ministers then were nominated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and elected by the Tibetan Parliament from among the list of the nominees.
  • 2006-2011: He was appointed as the Minister of Information and International Relations (Kalon) and concurrently served as the Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Delhi.
  • 2005-2016: He was appointed as the Representative of Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi
  • 2017-2020: He was appointed as the Director, India and East Asia, Office of Hi Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • Currently he is the Director to the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan and Indian Ancient Wisdom, Bodh Gaya.

Mr. Pari Jinpa Gyatso

Coordinator - Southeast Asia Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.